Picture Quiz

The Ultimate Country Emoji Quiz

Guess The Country Emoji Quiz: Test Your Global Knowledge!

Welcome to the Country Emoji Quiz, where you can test your knowledge of different countries using emojis! In this fun and engaging quiz, we provide you with a series of emojis that represent different countries from all over the world. Your challenge is to guess which country each set of emojis corresponds to.

This quiz is perfect for all ages and levels of knowledge about different countries. Whether you’re a geography lover or just looking for a fun way to pass the time, this quiz is sure to keep you entertained.

1. Which country is represented by the following emojis?

A. Germany

B. United Kingdom

C. Australia

D. Canada

The germ, man, and letter Y emojis are used to represent Germany. “Germ” stands for the start of “Germany,” “man” stands for the middle part, and “Y” is the last letter. Together, these emojis creatively symbolize Germany in a fun way.

2. Which country is represented by these emojis?

Which country is represented by these emoji?

A. Germany

B. Brazil

C. Italy

D. Spain

The bra, letter “Z,” and ill emojis are used to represent Brazil because “Bra” stands for the beginning of “Brazil,” the “Z” is in the middle of the word, and “ill” sounds like the end of “Brazil.” Together, these emojis creatively represent the country.

3. Which country is this?

What is this country?

A. China

B. South Korea

C. India

D. Singapore

The sing, letter A, and pore emoji are used to represent Singapore because they can be combined to spell out the country’s name. The sing, letter “A,” and pore emojis are used to represent Singapore because “Sing” stands for the beginning of “Singapore,” the “A” is in the middle of the word, and “pore” sounds like the end of “Singapore.”.

4. Which country is represented by these emojis?

A. United Kingdom

B. New Zealand

C. Brazil

D. Egypt

The united, king, and dome emojis are used to represent the United Kingdom because “United” stands for the first part of “United Kingdom,” “king” represents the middle part, and “dome” sounds like the end part of “kingdom.

5. Guess the country by looking at these emojis

Guess the country by just looking at these emojis

A. Austria

B. Switzerland

C. Cook Island

D. Belgium

The cook and island emojis are used to represent the Cook Islands in an emoji quiz. “Cook” stands for the first part of the name, and “island” stands for the second part. Together, these emojis creatively represent the country.

6. Which country is represented by these emojis?

Which country is represented by the emoji?

A. Japan

B. Greece

C. Turkey

D. Croatia

The letter “J” and pan emojis are used to represent Japan because “J” stands for the first letter of “Japan,” and “pan” sounds like the rest of the word.

7. Which country is represented by these emojis?

Which country is represented by the emoji?

A. Argentina

B. Ghana

C. Colombia

D. Peru

The letter “A” and gun emojis are used to represent Ghana because “A” stands for the last letter of “Ghana,” and “gun” sounds like the beginning of the word. Together, these emojis creatively represent the country.

8. Which country are these emojis representing?

Which country is this emoji representing?

A. Taiwan

B. Sweden

C. Denmark

D. Belgium

These emojis represent Taiwan’s country because the pronunciation sounds like tie and one.

9. Which country is this?

Which country is this?

A. Costa Rica

B. Panama

C. Poland

D. Guatemala

The pole and land emojis are used to represent Poland because “Pole” sounds like the beginning of “Poland,” and “land” represents the country. Together, these emojis creatively symbolize the country.

10. Which country is represented by these emojis?

Which country is represented by this emoji?

A. Iran

B. Ukraine

C. Belarus

D. Kazakhstan

The eye and ran emojis represent the Iran country because “eye” sounds like the first syllable of “Iran,” while “ran” stands for the last part of the country’s name. ” These emojis combination is a fun and unique way to represent the country in a visual manner.

11. Identify the country by looking at these emojis

Identify the country by looking at the emoji

A. Japan

B. Spain

C. South Korea

D. Vietnam

The letter “S” and pain emoji represent Spain because “S” stands for the first letter of “Spain,” while “pain” sounds similar to “Spain.” Together, these emojis creatively symbolize the country.

12. Choose the country by looking at these emojis

Choose the country by looking at the emojis

A. Turkey

B. Spain

C. Haiti

D. Germany

The “hi” and tea emojis represent Haiti because “hi” sounds like the first syllable of “Haiti,” and the “tea” emoji symbolizes the latter part of the country’s name.

13. Which country is represented by this emoji?

Which country is represented by this emoji?

A. Turkey

B. Malaysia

C. Philippines

D. Thailand

The turkey animal emoji represents Turkey because “turkey” is not only the name of the bird but also the name of the country. So, the emoji cleverly uses the double meaning of the word “turkey” to represent Turkey, making it a creative and fun symbol for the country.

14. Which country are these emojis representing?

What country are these emojis representing?

A. Scotland

B. Wales

C. Northern Ireland

D. Oman

The letter “O” and the man emoji represent Oman because “O” stands for the first letter of “Oman,” while the “man” emoji represents the latter part of the country’s name. Together, these emojis creatively symbolize Oman.

15. Which country is represented by this emoji?

Which country is represented by this emoji?

A. Wales

B. United Arab Emirates

C. Qatar

D. Bahrain

The whale animal emoji represents Wales because “whale” sounds similar to “Wales.” This emoji creatively uses wordplay to symbolize the country.

16. Which country is this?

 Which country is this?

A. Austria

B. Liechtenstein

C. Luxembourg

D. Chile

The Chile vegetable emoji represents Chile because “Chile” refers to both the country and the spicy vegetable. So, using the chili pepper emoji cleverly represents the country in a fun and creative way.

17. Which country is represented by these emojis?

Which country is represented by these emojis?

A. Ireland

B. Netherlands

C. Luxembourg

D. France

The human eye and land emoji are used to represent Ireland because the human eye represents the focus on culture and heritage in Ireland, while the land emoji represents the lush green landscapes and natural beauty of the country. Ireland is known for its rich history, stunning countryside, and vibrant Celtic culture, making these emojis a fitting representation of the country.

18. Which country is represented by these emojis?

Which country is represented by this emoji?

A. Finland

B. Sweden

C. Finland

D. Denmark

The fin and land emoji represent Finland because “fin” is a shortened form of “Finland,” and “land” symbolizes the last words of Finland. Together, these emojis creatively symbolize Finland.

19. Choose the correct country by looking at the emojis

Choose the correct country by just looking at the emoji

A. United States

B. Greenland

C. Faroe Islands

D. Norway

The unity and states emoji represents the United States because “unity” symbolizes the United part of the country’s name, and “states” represents the States part. Together, these emojis creatively symbolize the United States.

20. Which country is represented by these emojis?

Which country is represented by these emojis?

A. Australia

B. Fiji

C. Yemen

D. Papua New Guinea

The letter “Y” and men emoji represent Yemen because “Y” is the first letter in “Yemen,” and the “men” emoji symbolizes the latter part of the country’s name. Together, these emojis creatively symbolize Yemen.

21. Which country is being represented by these two emojis?

Which country is being represented by these two emojis?

A. Czech Republic

B. Kuwait

C. Slovakia

D. Hungary

The letter “K” and wait emoji represent Kuwait because “K” is the first letter in “Kuwait,” and the “wait” emoji symbolizes the latter part of the country’s name.

22. Which country is represented by these emojis?

Which country is represented by these emojis?

A. Peru

B. Greece

C. Bulgaria

D. Armenia

The pear and letter “U” emoji represent Peru because “pear” sounds like the first syllable of “Peru,” and the letter “U” represents the last part of the country’s name. Together, these emojis creatively represents Peru.

23. Which country is represented by these emojis?

Which country is represented by these emojis?

A. Paraguay

B. Bahrain

C. Argentina

D. Chile

The “bah” and rain emoji represent Bahrain because “bah” sounds like the first syllable of “Bahrain,” and the rain emoji symbolizes the latter part of the country’s name. Together, these emojis creatively symbolize Bahrain.

24. Choose the correct country by looking at the emojis

A. Cuba

B. Kenya

C. Nigeria

D. Ghana

The cube and letter “A” emoji represent Cuba because “cube” sounds like the first syllable of “Cuba,” and the letter “A” represents the latter part of the country’s name.

25. Which country is represented by these emojis?

Which country is represented by these emojis?

A. Bolivia

B. Paraguay

C. Uruguay

D. Belgium

The bell, gym, and letter “M” emoji represent the Belgium because “bell” sounds like the first syllable of “Belgium,” “gym” represents the middle part of the country’s name, and the letter “M” stands for the final letter.

Don’t worry! Keep practicing, and you’ll improve

Impressive! You have a good grasp of emoji geography

Emoji Expert! You know your countries well

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